
Public Utility Financial Assessment and Business Planning in St. Maarten

FEI was contracted to perform financial assessment and business planning for electricity and water utility in St. Maarten. The project aimed at strengthening the institutional and financial capacity of NV GEBE to provide efficient and sustainable services. Lance Morrell conducted an institutional and financial assessment of the Government-owned water and electricity […]

FEI Adds New Team Members – Lishan Adam and Donna Rubinoff

Mr. Adam has more than 25 years of experience in providing advice to governments, international institutions and regional bodies on the development of communications/broadband infrastructure, E-government, and policy and regulatory matters covering spectrum management, licensing, interconnection, standards, type approval and digital migration. Ms.  Rubinoff is an urban planner and a […]

FEI Develops Creditworthy Water Utilities

As part of its contract with PWC Indian and the World Bank, FEI developed a training program to improve the creditworthiness of water supply and sanitation utilities and provided that training to utilities in Kenya, and Vietnam and to a group of utilities from Southern Africa in a program in […]

FEI Supports Water Supply and Sewerage Association of Albania in Developing Utility Management Training Program

As part of the Danube Water Program, staff from FEI participated in developing a comprehensive utility management training program designed to address the top and the senior- middle management in the utilities in the region.  FEI developed programs on Water Utility Finance, Expenditure and Revenue Management, Financial Sustainability and Creditworthiness, […]

FEI Provides Technical Assistance to World Bank on Study of Regulation for Water Supply Services in Developing Countries

Members of FEI supported PWC India in conducting a study for the World Bank regarding the role of regulation in improving the efficiency, accountability, and sustainability of water and sanitation sector.  The study provided a comprehensive look at the state of regulation in the sector and explored the necessary institutional […]

FEI Lands Contract with World Bank to Support Ghana in Assessing Capacity of Local Governments to Borrow for Capital Projects

A team led by FEI supported Government in assessing the capacity of selected municipalities to borrow funds from private financial institutions through the proposed Local Government Lending Agency.  Based on extensive historical and forecasted financial data and analyses of performance, the study provided recommendations and action plans to guide the […]