Angola WASH Sector Diagnostic – Institutional Analysis

The objectives of this consultancy were to conduct a public expenditure review (PER) to better understand the sector’s financial efficiency and implementation bottlenecks. The overall assignment was focused around four questions:

  1. What are the constraints to WASH services, specifically in urban areas, and to effective sanitation service delivery in general?
  2. Which of these constraints have a bearing on human development and how?
  3. Which of these originate from within the WASH sector and which from outside?
  4. What are the potential solutions to these constraints, which would significantly improve human development?

The analysis comprised an evaluation of ‘real world’ constraints to equitable and sustainable access to WASH services, specifically: (i) an evaluation of current subsidies and the ability- and willingness-to-pay by consumers, and (ii) access to basic sanitation and excreta management for people at different levels of human development. The nature of the activities performed under this assignment required a mixed-methods approach involving a desktop rapid political economy analysis and institutional assessment at the national scale, to more detailed quantitative and qualitative analyses using data collected from key urban areas.

A sub-consulting assignment funded by the World Bank.