FEI Consulting has been contracted to act as an independent verification agent for Blantyre Water Board (BWB), part of Malawi Water and Sanitation Project – 1 (MWSP-1), funded by the World Bank. Consultancy services include assistance to the Ministry of Water and Sanitation of Malawi (MoWS) in verifying all the indicator values under the ICSAP reported by BWB and issue a verification report.
The firm is to scrutinize reported performance and engage, on a neutral basis, in activities that assess potential discrepancies. This includes operational, technical, and financial reviews of the reported scores and the underlying documentation for each score, surveys among sub-samples of water supply customers included in the BWB customer survey to assess/validate the procedure applied and interviews with relevant BWB employees.
The specific objective is to confirm the performance of BWB against the Performance-Based Conditions (PBCs). Specific activities include the following:
- Desk-based verification of all relevant documents provided by the BWB and MoWS.
- On site verification of primary data from source departments or sections to confirm authenticity of reported data.
- Random sub-sample survey of water supply customers included in the BWB customer satisfaction survey sufficient to obtain statistically significant results.
- Random sample interviews of relevant BWB employees, including female employees in decision making roles.
- Participate with BWB in physical onsite inspections of assets financed by the PBFM during the year.